The 2013-2014 Season Kicks Off

Spotted Flycatcher - (c) Martyn Jones
Autumn is with us once again and this always heralds our first indoor meeting of the new season, which this year is on Friday 6th September at 7:15pm in the Derby Room at Leigh Library.

Our first presentation is called 'Birds of the Fylde Coast' (ie, the Lytham, Blackpool, Fleetwood areas etc) and is given by Stuart Meredith. Everyone is welcome to come along and meet the members of our friendly society, and hopefully join the L.O.S. by becoming a member. There's no charge for the meeting and details of our full programme this year and our very low membership fees are on the L.O.S. website here:
Then Sunday 8th September sees the start of our fieldtrip programme and on that day we will be going to Brockholes Nature Reserve near Preston.  We meet on Doctor's Nook car park facing Leigh Library at 8am and share cars and petrol costs. There maybe a small entrance charge to some reserves, ie. Brockholes is £7 per car, so with 4 people it would be just £1.75 each.  Most places to which we go are free however.

We do hope to see some new (and old) faces at either our indoor presentations or on our fieldtrips - it doesn't matter what your level of bird knowledge is, everyone is welcome from beginner to experienced birders - just come along and enjoy yourself with our friendly and helpful members.

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