Friday Night Meetings and Weekend Fieldtrips Resume for 2021-2022

Leigh Ornithological Society is back up and running with Friday Night Meetings and Weekend Fieldtrips. The first meeting on Friday 10th September will be done through Zoom, but all subsequent ones will be held in person in our normal venue of the Derby Room at Leigh Library.

L.O.S. Zoom Meeting Friday, 10 September⋅7:15 – 9:30pm
At our first meeting James Lowen will give his “52 Shades of Green” presentation about Wildlife Weekends in Britain.

To join the meeting, just click the link above and follow the onscreen instructions if you've not used Zoom before. It's free and works very well.

The first field trip of the year is on Sunday 12th September to Marshside RSPB in Southport. Meet on the Doctor's Nook car park facing Leigh Library at 8:00am.

Everybody is welcome to the meetings and field trips.