"The Ken Gallimore Memorial Lecture", once again and for the 42nd time, we welcome Gordon Yates, who will show us his film "A World of Birds"
Gordon has never disappointed us that's why we invite him year after year. Here is an extract from Gordon's Blog, he has a new DVD out which you can buy at the meeting.
The undoubted highlight of the Pennine year was the finding and filming of a female Barn Owl who had laid her eggs on the ground in a corner of a barn. Daily filming was taken of her as her eggs hatched and the young even climbed out on to her back and inter acted with a singing Swallow on a beam above. It was one of the most exceptional events I have ever seen in more than forty years of filming Raptors and highlights our latest DVD ‘A Bird for all Seasons’. This will be our last DVD and incorporates seven years of filming as it follows the lives of eighty species of birds through the seasons of the year. It is proving very popular and one purchaser informed me that he had already watched it thirteen times since he had purchased it twenty days ago!!!