L.O.S. Friday Night Presentation - 1st September 2023

The Wildlife of Extremadura

On Friday 1st September 2023, Leigh Ornithological Society will be hosting a presentation by Mike Roberts. His presentation entitled “Wildlife of Extremadura” will be held in the Derby Room, 1st floor Leigh Library, Civic Square, Market Street, Leigh, WN7 1EB. 

The presentation will mainly about the birds of the Spanish Steppes featuring species such as Great and Little Bustards and numerous raptors but to include some botany and landscape images. Extremadura is considered one of the most important regions in Europe for birds and thus it is among the most prized destinations for birdwatching enthusiasts and nature lovers from all over the world and is accessible for those of us in North-West Europe.

Everyone is welcome free of charge but a small donation to our funds from non-members would be gratefully accepted. Meet at 7:15p.m. for a prompt 7:30p.m. start and finish time is usually around 9:15pm. 

(Non-members and inexperienced bird watchers are very welcome) 

L.O.S. Fieldtrip to RSPB Marshside - Sunday 17th September 2023

The L.O.S. Fieldtrip Season Resumes

The first field trip of the new season will be to RSPB Marshside in Southport.

Meet at Doctor’s Nook Car Park (opposite Leigh Library) at 8:00 am. If you are going straight there the address is Marine Drive, Southport PR9 9PJ.  

Please come prepared for wet/cold weather and bring sufficient food and hot beverages  to last the day; non-RSPB members may have to pay a £3 car parking fee.

Contact L.O.S. Field Trips Officer, Paul Pennington, at leighos.trips@gmail.com if you would like to find out more about the trip - you don’t need to be an experienced bird watcher to attend and we are a very friendly and welcoming group. 

Information about all our forthcoming field trips can be found here:
Please also note that whilst all reasonable care will be taken, the officers, committee and field trips’ leaders accept no responsibility for loss, damage, injury or fatality, howsoever suffered while on any field trips. Our public liability insurance does not cover non-members.