Open Day at Woolston Eyes - Sunday 30 June

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Woolston Eyes Conservation Group are having their Annual Open Day on Sunday 30th June from 10am to 4pm.

As always this event will be free of charge. Earlier in the year major work was carried out at Woolston Eyes in conjunction with R.S.P.B. as a result of funding from Higher Level Stewardship with the aim of improving the wetland habitat for wildlife.

There will be arranging guided tours of Number 3 bed with the opportunity to see Black-necked Grebe with young and a variety of other wildfowl. There will also be a ringing exhibition and birds will be shown “in the hand”.

Exhibitors include R.S.P.B., Cheshire and Wirral Ornithological Society, Cheshire Wildlife Trust and Butterfly Conservation.

Car parking will be available but please note that the guided tours may not be suitable for people with walking difficulties.

A party from the L.O.S. will be leaving from Doctors Nook Car park in Leigh at 9:15am.

Full details are on the website

LOSYBC's Busy Week

Last week was quite busy for the L.O.S. Young Birders' Club.  Following the Fun Day in Lilford Park where we had a stall to promote the L.O.S. and the Y.B.C., we gave our second presentation to pupils at Gilded Hollins Community Primary School as well as our first evening presentation to 1st Astley Gilwell Cubs. You can read all about these on the LOSYBC website by clicking on the links below:
And tomorrow afternoon (Monday 17 June) we're taking a party of 30 Year 6 pupils from Gilded Hollins around the hides at Pennington Flash for some guided birding walks - no rest for the wicked then!

Our Local Peregrines

Here's the new fledgling from our local Peregrine Falcons:

As well as the constant chatter of Chaffinches, at about 30 seconds you can hear the sound of some Black-headed Gulls overhead and the juvenile Peregrine ducks down and turns it head sideways to listen. Shortly after this it takes off and flies to a different location.

L.O.S. in the Park

Four members of the L.O.S. and the Young Birder's Club team were in Lilford Park in Leigh yesterday for a family fun day involving the Friends of Lilford Park (FOLP) action group and a fun fair.

The FOLP were asking members of the public to sign a petition which is lobbying for the park toilets to be refurbished, as well as many other improvements.

These are an essential public facility needed for this superb community resource, especially on days like these.  Lilford Park has some of the oldest woodland in the area and it's a fabulous place to visit to get outdoors and see nature.

Click here for more fun day photos.

Dave Wilson, Tony Bishop, Martyn Jones and L.O.S. chairman David Shallcross had a stall with materials publicising the L.O.S. and Young Birders' Club in the hope of attracting new members of all ages. We took a lot of signatures from interested families to add to our  email mailing list for future events.

As well as this we took several youngsters and their parents on short guided bird watching walks along the new path at the edge of the woods.  There wasn't too much about to see, but Dave Wilson is an expert on bird song and calls and so 12 bird species were identified in the area.

It was really nice to see a good turnout from some very keen pupils from St. Thomas' C.E. Primary School which we visited for the second time last Wednesday (report to follow) - Hi to Amie and older sister Lauren, Darren and brother Ethan, William and not forgetting AJ and his friend.

We made lots of new friends and contacts and have even arranged to do a presentation at 1st Astley Cubs next Thursday evening.  We also hope to be doing another guided walk around Pennington Flash in the near future so keeping reading the website for details and have a look at our new LOSYBC calendar here.

BBC Radio 4 'Tweet of the Day'

BBC Radio 4 has embarked on a year-long project entitled 'Tweet of the Day' whereby each weekday a different bird's song or call will be played and briefly described by famous naturalists such as David Attenborough and Miranda Krestovnikoff.

These short 90 second programmes are available on the radio at the unearthly time of 5:58 am each day except on weekends. Fortunately, they are also available for downloading or listening to on the internet, and so I have linked to them here on our website:

BBC Radio 4 'Tweet of the Day' Home Page

BBC Radio 4 'Tweet of the Day' Programmes

In addition, the above BBC webpage link will appear on our side menu to the right as well as the last five programmes broadcast.  The programmes here can be played by simply clicking on them.