L.O.S. Friday Night Presentation - 3rd March 2023

The Plight of the Humblebee!

An illustrated talk by Louise Bentley on behalf of Lancashire Wildlife Trust

At Leigh Library on Friday 3 March 2023 at 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start.

A delve into the fascinating world of bees! Prepare to be humbled at their industrious nature, intelligence, sense of community and gentle nature. But it's not all about the Honeybee or even the cute Bumbles, the UK is home to a wide range of overlooked but no less important Solitary Bees. But why do we need them and how can we help keep them buzzing and save the sound of summer?

Find out what you can do in any space to help save our pollinators.

Admission is free and everyone is welcome.