Recording Area

Here is a map of the L.O.S. recording area. The boundaries are historically linked to where the founding members used to live.


    Anonymous said...

    I would just like to make you aware of my sighting of a flock of Waxwings that I have spotted over the last two days. Whilst I realise that Waxwings are not the rarest of Birds I thought the recording of my sighting would help you to get an idea of the spread of these migrant birds. My sighting was recorded in the M23 2SL postcode, the flock were in a tall tree very close to a smaller tree teaming with red berries. I have been cycling this route to work for many years but this is the first time I have seen any in this area. Regards Ian Wilson

    GeekTeacher said...

    Thanks for this Ian, we don't normally get sightings reported on these pages. In future could you email them to our recorder Eddie King please: Thanks, Martyn

    Anonymous said...

    Just spotted a bar head who would I report it to

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