Sponsored Birdwatch 2013

Ruff  -  (c) Martyn Jones
This year's Sponsored Birdwatch will be held on 21st September.  This is a very important event for the L.O.S. as it helps raise money to support the ongoing work and events of the Society.

We are doing the Sponsored Birdwatch later in the year to give members the chance to join or start a team of their own. Please collect a sponsor form and a bird checklist from the Derby Rooms on a Friday night or ask any member of the Committee. Please also register the name of your team and team members.

Alternatively, you can download the sponsorship form, rules and bird checklists by clicking any of the links below: 


David Shallcross said...

Thanks Martyn, that's great. nice Ruff too

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin i would like to take part in Sponsered Birdwatch if any body needs an extra pair of eyesfor their team Thanks Alan Wilcox

Unknown said...

Sponsorship is going well for me, I have promises of £80.00 so far.

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