Save wildlife habitat at Worlaby in Lincs

Hi everyone.

Below is a request from Pauline Greenhalgh, asking us all to sign the Government Petition, I would be obliged if you would do this to help save a fantastic bird haunt.

David Shallcross, Chairman.

P.S. would you also circulate to your own contacts.

This could do with signing by as many folks as we can get it round to. Its been begun by David Newby to try and stop the land at Worlaby in Lincs returning to agriculture and thus losing the short eared owl winter population, not to mention killing all the voles in the process ... 

We have visited on several occasions to take photos as you know and while there have counted 6-8 owls flying and the count has been up to 16 Short-eared Owls some years. We've also seen Barn Owls and Hen Harries hunting over the area. I would say its a Nationally Important feeding place for raptors ...

Perhaps David you could circulate this round the LOS email group? Only a few hundred signatures is hardly going to sway anyone - they need many more folk to sign - this is important for the population of shorties in the whole country - not just a little problem in a corner of Lincolnshire!



1 comment:

David Shallcross said...

Just a thank you to all who supported this, I've had a number of messages saying people have done it. cheers everyone, and thanks Pauline for bringing it to our notice.

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