Our third L.O.S. Fieldtrip of the season took us to
Leighton Moss RSPB, always a popular destination for the Society and Guests. With travel arrangements made, the group of 16 gathered as planned just before 9am on the RSPB Leighton Moss car park. Conditions favoured us, in the eye of the storm so to speak. Slightly overcast with intermittent bursts of sunshine, but more importantly deadly still. This would help with the quest ahead.
Rogues' Gallery minus 3 (c) Anne Johnson |
We had a strategy, a target bird. One that is popular with visitors to the site at this time of year. The Bearded Reedling (Tit). We headed out on the reserve and out towards the Grisedale Hide area. Firstly we stopped off at the feeding station. Here the usual birds Chaffinch, Blue tit, Coal Tit, Goldfinch, and Greenfinch, all at close quarters flitting between the feeders.
Blue Tit and Chaffinch Face Off (c) John Preston |
Working our way slowly towards the afore mentioned hides, stopping occasionally at various points. One such stop, the famed feeding log, Nuthatch, more Blue Tit, Coal tit etc, plus a Marsh Tit, which was a lifer for James, one of our younger birders. Above us high in the Alders, Goldfinch mixed with Siskin. A little further on, a Water Rail darted across the path then back into the scrub and the security of the reedbed.
Marsh Tit (c) Anne Johnson |
We worked our way down the well maintained gravel footpath, ( which it was hard to believe a week earlier was under a good foot of water ) through the corridor of head high Phragmites reedbed, eventually arriving at our destination, with the hope of seeing our target birds, the Bearded Reedlings.
Keith Williams feeding a Robin (c) Mandy Robertson |
Here the manicured opening of the reedbed, cut back to make an open space, some ten by ten square meters, with two small grit trays posted in the left and righthand corners. Now for the waiting game.
Sixteen of us stood by the reedbed opening and waited. Some fifteen minutes passed and nothing, and as one of our members would describe, remarkably birdless.
Teal (c) Martyn Jones |
As the
Grisedale Hide was only a very short distance along the pathway, the majority of headed off there, and left three of us on watch, in case the Bearded Reedlings turned up. At the hide, Marsh Harrier, Teal, Snipe and Pintail were the main attractions for the majority of the group
Drake Pintail (c) Graeme Robertson |
Three of us still waiting for the Bearded Reedlings to show, Water Rail squealed around us in the reedbeds, Long Tailed Tits manouvered through the scrub Willow. Then there was movement, something caught our eye through the reedbed, was this the Bearded Reedlings? A message was sent to the rest of the Group in the Grisedale hide, but as the group regathered by the grit trays, a false alarm! A solitary Male Reed Bunting came and went.
Mute Swan in Flight (c) John Preston |
This time the party decided to visit the close by Jackson hide, again leaving three of us on watch. We entertained ourselves by hand feeding a very tame Coal tit and Robin as we waited.
Cheeky Robin (c) Mandy Robertson |
The three of us had now been waiting near on two hours holding the fort for the others. Then!! through the tranquillity, was that the faint ' ping ping' we could hear, the unmistakable call of the Bearded Reedling? Was this the moment? Then like some magical illusion, two males, three females, closely followed by two further females, appeared from within the Reedbed. The Bearded Reedlings were here, and in force.
Female Bearded Reedling (c) Paul Pennington |
A quick call to the Jackson Hide, the rest of the group gathered to witness these wonderful, dainty little birds at close quarters, with their distinctive plumage. Then some 15 minutes later, as quickly as they came, vanished back into the vast reedbed. Certainly the highlight of the day.
Male Bearded Reedling (c) Anne Johnson |
After the excitement of the morning, goal achieved, we returned to the car park for a spot of lunch, a group photo, and as we planned out next move, a fly over of Whooper Swans.
Marsh Harrier (c) Paul Morgan |
Three would head off towards the
Allen and
Eric Morecambe hides, the rest would eventually meet up with them later. The main body of the group would head out via the Causeway. Along the way we would see a female Kestrel, Pochard, Shoveler, Mute Swan, and the usual Cormorant.
Lapwing (c) Martyn Jones |
Eventually we met up with the rest at the Allen and Eric Morecambe Hides. Here there were a large flock of Black-tailed Godwit accompanied by the odd Dunlin, Wigeon, numerous Lapwing and Redshank. a handful of Little Egret as well as a single Common Sandpiper. A distant Peregrine Falcon sat on the fence posts and a scattering of Shelduck swam in the pools.
Did you spot the Dunlin in there? (c) Graeme Robertson |
Other birds of interest on the day included Lesser Redpoll, Cetti's Warbler. Treecreeper, Bullfinch, a skein of Pink-footed Geese and a single Goldcrest.
Goldcrest (c) Keith Williams |
All in all a fabulous day out. Target achieved, along with some
66 species. Leighton Moss is always worth the effort. So on that note, we mustn't forget the social aspect of these trips which are aimed at various levels of birding knowledge and which are filled with the usual great humour. Everyone is welcome.
View from Allen Hide (c) Anne Johnson |
Thank you all for your company and support.
Paul Pennington
L.O.S. Fieldtrips Officer
Mandy Robertson - What a fantastic trip, my first time seeing the Bearded Reedlings and beautiful birds they are too. Thanks to Paul Pennington for organising the trip for us and an excellent report
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed this trip. We had lovely sunshine after the early fog, fantastic birds and wonderful company. Thanks must go to Paul Pennington, Pauline Pennington and Keith Williams for finding the Bearded Reedlings after a long wait and contacting the rest of the group.
Another wonderful field trip and great to read the report for those unable to join you. Paul.
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