The L.O.S. '12 Birding Months of 2017' Photo Album

Why not have a look at our excellent L.O.S. '12 Birding Months of 2017' photo album on Facebook here:

The 12 Birding Months of 2017

Probably the best way to view them is to click the above link and scroll through the photo thumbnails. From here any photo can be clicked to to enlarge it if required.

Unfortunately, you will need to be logged in to Facebook to see them I'm afraid, so if you're not a member yet why not try it out by joining now - it's free.

From Boxing Day onwards over the 12 Days of Christmas, some members of the L.O.S. Nature Photography group on Facebook submitted one photograph per month from 2017.

Then, on 12th Night (6th January 2018) these were compiled into a single album so that they could be viewed as a whole.


I've just made the above video slideshow of the photos with a bit of music. Please don't sit down to watch this as it's over 20 minutes long. Put it on your computer when you're doing something else, turn the sound on to enjoy the music and you can just look up now and then and see some great bird photos .

1 comment:

David Shallcross said...

An entirely enjoyable exercise for all Martyn

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