So what we did was to:
- brush and clean down the inside of the Bunting hide and wash and disinfect the seating and shelves with Jeyes Fluid
- carry out fence repairs and renewals to the Bunting Hide approach
- mend the gate latch
- cut down overhanging tree branches and did some thinning out in the surrounding woodland.
- litter pick around the site concentring on the area around the lagoon on Ramsdale’s Ruck
Many thanks to 19 of the group who could make it today, and to Mr Graham Workman Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles / Development Manager - Biodiversity, for his advice on habitat maintenance and the provision of equipment.
Thanks also to Jeff the “park ranger” for his cooperation today and to Michael Fishwick, Greenspace Development Officer. for supplying equipment and wire fencing.
Thanks to everyone who turned up to help on the day including Eddie King, Dennis Price and Tony Bishop who aren't shown on the photo above.
Thanks to everyone who turned up to help on the day including Eddie King, Dennis Price and Tony Bishop who aren't shown on the photo above.
The next session will be on Saturday 3rd September from 8am until 11am - bringing your own tools isn't essential but is always useful.
David Shallcross
Excellent work by all the volunteers, and thank you Martyn for a great record of the day.
The hide looks nice and clean Jim and I called today to put the plaque back for Roger Wood and two birders commented on what a great job we had done, it was a good team and also enjoyable.
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