The winning team King and Don’t tell him Pike got off to a roaring start, said by some with unfair advantage because of knowing where the birds were but they weren’t shy of sharing so it doesn’t matter. They clocked up their winning total of 57 species including Grey Partridge, Wheatear and Black Redstart - incidenatlly Eddie now informs me he missed a White Wagtail off his list and it should read 58!
The Indian Runners had a good day too but were seen to shoo the birds away when another team arrived in that hide - but this was countered by that team telling them there wasn’t a bird to be seen in any of the other hides, measure for measure.
The third team was the Feather Brains who did sterling work on getting their 55 species and if the Bullfinches and a Thrush had shown up as expected would have given the other two a better run for their money – biased about this team, well yes, because I was in it! Joe and Phil had a good day and got 49 species a bit low for Joe but I suspect he kept stopping for coffee.
The Bald Eagles came next with 42 species an unusually low count for this trio of birders they must have been having a bad hair day! Last but certainly not least came the Jackdaws and Teals with 37 species they scoured Pennington Country Park to the nth degree and didn’t leave a blade of grass unturned, nor any seat not sat on!
Well done to all who took part - if you think you can do better then get yourself into a team in time for next year; thank you to all who sponsored any of the teams, there is still time to sponsor should you wish to. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day with friendly banter and some very good companions followed by an evening meal which was enjoyed by all.
Joan Disley
The results of the sponsored birdwatch held on the 21st September 2013 were as follows:
Position | Team Name | Species |
1st | Don't tell 'em Pike | 57 |
2nd | The Indian Runners | 57 |
3rd | The Feather Brains | 55 |
4th | Joe and Phil | 49 |
5th | The Bald Eagles | 42 |
6th | The Jackdaws and Teals | 37 |
After the day's birding exploits many of the members went for a nice meal organised by Al Foy at the Whistling Wren in Leigh where a good night was had by all - thanks Al.
The amount of sponsorship money raised will be announced here shortly.
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